Detailed Overview On Sedation Dentistry (Sedation Dentistry Faq’S)


Are you the one who gets frightened to step into a dental clinic even for a simple cleaning procedure? and highly worried about your pain or intolerable ache that you experience during the dental care process, then you need to go through this entire writeup too get clarity on your superstition and walk-in to the dental care centre with confidence. We at Akeela Dental Care Provide the best dental implant services in Chennai, and takes the sheer responsibility to educate our patients regarding various dental care practices and treatments that heal their problems permanently.

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What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a process of making a patient relaxed during the process of providing dental treatment, and it varies with different levels according to the sensitivity rate of the patient and the seriousness of the dental disease they are facing at present.


What are the different levels of Sedation Dentistry?

• Minimal Sedeation– Here the patient will be found completely awake and won’t experience any pain or uncomfortability during the dental care process.
Moderate or Conscious Sedeation– The patient will start blabering their words and the entire process won’t get registered in their mind.
Deep Sedeation– The patient will be in the verge of losing their consciousness but still hold on with their senses.
General Aneasthesia– The patient completely gets unconscious.

We deliver the best service of Dental Implant in Chennai, by providing proper sedation to our patients to carryout the dental care process smoothly.

What are the different types of Sedation Dentistry?


Inhaled Minimal Sedation

Here the patient will be breathing a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen gas by wearing a mask that gets fixed exactly in their nose this gas helps the patient to relax during the dental treatment. The doctor will have the control to provide the required amount of gas for the patient and irrespective of the amount the gas tear-down quickly, this type of sedation can be used only for minor treatments. Moreover, this is the only sedation that a patient can tolerate and manage until they reach home.

Get in touch with us today +91 98400 42039

Oral Sedation

Depending on the seriousness of the treatment method and the health condition as well as the sensitive rate of the patient, oral sedation varies from minimal to moderate. This sedation method considered as proper anaesthesia in dental care arena and the sedation method involves intaking of pills known as “Halcion”. The “Halcion” belongs to “Valium” family and their sedation level from minimal to moderate is based on the number of pills taken. Few patients even fall asleep by consuming moderate sedation pills and awakened after the treatment by gentle shake. Akeela Dental care has the best implant dentists in Chennai who are renowned experts in the arena of dental care with decades of experience.


IV Moderate Sedation

The patient will get injected with the sedative drug into the vein to make sure the sedation works quickly, and the doctor needs to consistently manage the sedation level for better treatment.

Deep Sedation and General Anaesthesia

Here the patient gets completely unconscious or almost goes to the unconscious state and remains in the same form during the entire treatment process. The effect of general anaesthesia is high compared to other sedation and it required time for patients to get back to their consciousness or undergo reversed medication. We provide quality implant services in Chennai with the help of technology advent at an affordable cost to facilitate the required dental treatment for patients.

Who needs Dental Sedation?

If you are struggling with the following dental problems, then it needs to be fixed with proper dental care treatment using sedation:

• Having low pain threshold
• Can’t able to sit in the dentist’s chair until the treatment gets completed
• Have high rate of tooth sensitivity
• Have bad gag reflex
• Requires to undergo a lengthy dental care treatment

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