Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I visit a dentist regularly ?
  • Most patients visit their dentist only when they have a problem. Many dental problems do not
  • have symptoms until they reach the advanced stages of the disease process.
  • Tooth decay can be detected by your dentist 3-4 years before, it causes pain by getting close to the
  • Nerve of the tooth, this early detection can help you prevent root canal treatment.
  • Annual visit to your dentist for preventive treatment will ensure good dental health and will be rewarding in the future.
Brushing : why and when ?
  •  Tooth brushing is a very important step on oral hygiene. Brushing removes bacteria that cause tooth decay and dental plaque that can cause gum disease.
  • Ideally you should brush your teeth for two to three minutes twice daily.
How to brush ?
  • Place the toothbrush at 45° degree angle to the gums.
  • Move the brush back and forth gently in short strokes.
  • Excessively hard strokes will cause damage to the gums and enamel of the teeth.
  • Brush the outer surfaces, the inside surfaces and the cleaning of all teeth.To
  • clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, till the brush vertically and make several up and down strokes.
  • Brush your tongue to remove bacteria and keep your breath fresh.
What type of toothbrush should I use ?
  • Should I use a manual or powered toothbrush ?
  • Ideally tooth brushes with soft bristles should be used. Manual brushes with mixed bristle height
  • or angled bristles clean better than those with all flat bristles.
  • Medium and hard bristle brushes can damage teeth and gums. Powered toothbrushes are very
  • efficient in cleaning and may be used by children and geriatric patients.
How often should you replace your toothbrush ?

Set a remainder to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Replace your toothbrush if the bristles look bent or splayed. Bent or splayed bristles may be a sign to indicate you are brushing too hard. Splayed bristles don’t clean well.

What are early signs of dental trouble ?

You need to visit your dentist if you have one or more issues of the following :

  • Mouth ulcers
  • Tooth pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Swollen face or gums
  • Broken teeth
  • Bad breath
Are sweets and ice bad for my teeth ?
  • Sweets and food with acid like candy and soda could erode your teeth and cause cavities.
  • While teeth are strong enough to chew ice, chewing on ice may cause stress and crack them.
  •  Smoking and chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer and gum disease. Nail biting, lip biting, thumb sucking are all bad habits that damage teeth
How do I know if I need braces ?

you might need braces if you have one or more of the following signs :

  • You loose your baby teeth early and adult teeth are not in time.
  • Your teeth looked crowded or crooked.
  • Your jaw splits or make sounds.
  • You breathe through your mouth.
  • You are constantly biting the sides of yours cheek.
What is the ideal age for orthodontic treatment ?

The ideal age for a child to be seen by an orthodontist is seven. There are many treatment options that can be implanted at the age such a serial extractor and myofacial and appliances. Adults cans also undergo orthodontic treatment. There is no age restriction.

Can smoking, diabetics, patients with other systemic conditions get Dental Implant Treatment done ?

Immediate Loading Dental Implants, SIMPLADENT, SWITZERLAND, engage the stable cortical areas of the jaw bone. Immediate Loading Dental Implants can be used for smokers, diabetics, patients even with poor bone quality and very resorbed ridges can be treated very successfully.

I brush my teeth regularly. Why should I floss ?

Brushing your teeth gets rid of some of the plaque on your teeth. Tooth brushing can’t get to the plaque hiding in the tiny spaces between your teeth. Flossing gets rid of the bacteria the toothbrush cannot get to. Flossing reduces the number of bacteria in your mouth. It cleans plaque from between the teeth and under the gumline. If you don’t floss, plaque hardens into tartar.

My kids are not brushing their teeth ?

Make tooth brushing fun. Be enthusiastic. Children want do things their parents do hence set a good example.

Do whitening toothpaste’s work ?

There are a lot of whitening toothpastes available commercially. These toothpastes have harmful
abrasives which damage the tooth enamel and cause tooth sensitively. Approach your dentist for
professional tooth whitening procedure’s which are not harmfull.

How can I prevent caries ?

Caries can be prevented by implementing the following :

  • Spend two to three minutes twice  a day to brush your teeth
  • Floss once a day.
  • Avoid eating sugar snacks through the day.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after every meal.
  • chewing sugarless gum helps as it stimulates flow of saliva.
  • Regular dental check up twice a year.
Are x-rays essential for my treatment plan ?

X-rays are essential for diagnosis as many disease of the teeth and surrounding issues cannot be
seen on enamination. X-rays reveal the followings.

  • Small areas of decay between teeth or below the following.
  • Infections in the bone.
  • Periodontal diseases.
  • Abscess or cyst.
  • Developmental anomalies.
  • Various types of tumors.
My tooth has suddenly become sensitive, what should I do ?

De sensitizing toothpastes which contain strontium chloride or potassium nitrate are very
effective. After a few seconds of use sensitivity will decrease. If you do not get relief from the
toothpaste, visit your dentist.

What is gum disease ?

Inflammation and infection of the gums and supporting bone structure is called periodontal disease. Untreated periodontitis  results in bone loss, possible tooth loss and increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, low birth weight babies, pre-term delivery, respiratory disease and prostrate cancer.
Signs of periodontitis :

  • Bad breath.
  • Red or swollen gums.
  • loose teeth or moved teeth.
  • Sensitive teeth.
  • Pus discharge arond teeth.
    Pain on chewing
  • bleeding gums

Periodontitis treatment may require surgery and can be prevented successfully by frequent visits to

Does a mouthwash help ?

Several mouthwashes are available in the market. There are specific mouthwashes for cavity protection, gum health, fresh breath etc…. Mouthwashes cannot be substituted for tooth brushing but may be used along with regular brushing and flossing.

Children below 6 years shouldn’t use mouthwash as they may swallow them.

Does a mouthwash help ?

Several mouthwashes are available in the market. There are specific mouthwashes for cavity protection, gum health, fresh breath etc…. Mouthwashes cannot be substituted for tooth brushing but may be used along with regular brushing and flossing.

Children below 6 years shouldn’t use mouthwash as they may swallow them.

What is the age limit for Dental Implants Procedures ?

Immediate Loading Dental Implants, SIMPLADENT, SWITZERLAND can be used in all age groups. Children below 18 years of age are avoided, for completion of growth development in the cranio – facial region. Senior citizens even above the age of 90 have been placed and successfully restored with fixed 60 teeth in 72 hours protocol.