How To Get A Permanent Set Of White And Healthy Tooth?


In today’s fast-moving digitized world it is said that maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle requires discipline and dedication. By practising proper approach and implementing it regularly we can still lead a healthy lifestyle as did our ancestors, and all it requires awareness to proper health maintenance. Akeela Dental care operates with a visionary purpose to bring in proper awareness amongst people regarding dental hygiene and transform the way the world of dental care operated so far. We provide quality dental care services in Chennai, India, that helps our patients to have a strong and smile teeth. We highly recommend and suggest you to follow the below mentioned rules for better teeth.

Practice white-tooth diet

If you are a regular consumer of red wine, tea, coffee, tobacco, then you cannot expect to have glowing white teeth . According to the research results of several international dental associations, these substances would severely damage your teeth and its surroundings as they create a dark pigment called chromogens where they get stuck on the teeth enamel and produces stains. Have a chat with the best dental experts in your region and stay safe.

Use a proper brush

Handling the toothbrush and using it properly is practised only by 20% of the people , and the rest of us are doing it the wrong way. We need to go for a new toothbrush every 2-3 months, and it needs to be held in a 45-degree angle for better results. At the same time, we should not go for back and forth movement, instead, we need to go for circular movement of the toothbrush to maintain strong gums. To know further and get the best dentalcare service in Chennai, approach us now.

Get in touch with us today +91 98400 42039

Fiber rich foods

Fiber rich foods are not just the one which gives energy to your inner organs, instead it also helps you to get a whiter and stronger teeth. Eating fiber rich foods will increase the saliva count and encounters the stain formation in and around your teeth. Get the best dentalcare services in Chennai, India from Akeeladentalcare that suggest perfect food for your diet plus white teeth.


Stay aware of Mouth-wash

It is highly essential to have a 100% awareness in using mouthwash liquids, these days we are getting several adulterated types of mouthwash that even contain alcohol, so it is better to get the complete consultation from an experienced dental care service provider in Chennai, India before opting out for a mouthwash.


Try to become a flossing expert

Flossing your teeth is as important as brushing it, you need to floss your teeth regularly to maintain its fitness, and attain proficiency in it is a must , especially for travellers. Practice flossing regularly or go to a dental care hospital in Chennai, India, for best guidance.

Brush twice a day

One must brush their teeth twice a day, practising it regularly will help you to build a strong dental foundation and a long-lasting set of teeth.


Having a hygienic set of teeth is important to lead a perfect lifestyle, and it requires a certain dedicated level of involvement from any individual. Being a reputed dental care service providers in Chennai, India, we are happy to guide you.

Get in touch with us today +91 98400 42039

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