Myths And Facts Of Dental Care


Educated or uneducated we humans are always surrounded by myths, especially when it comes to healthcare. It is our sheer responsibility to clarify with them and attain the proper knowledge to stay healthy and fit. In this blog corner, we will be looking at some of the dental care myths and their actual back story which we need to know to have a shining and strong set of teeth. Avail the best dental care advice in Chennai, India, with Akeela dental care to ensure you provide the best protection to your teeth.

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Myths and Facts on Oral Health

Myth1: Dental Cleaning can cause Sensitivity

Fact: The actual root cause behind sensitivity is extreme plaque accumulation and teeth calculus, both these teeth calculus and tartar causes the actual teeth recede. Added up to the recedeness the scaling exposes several areas of our dental system to tartar leading to weakening of the roots and hence causing teeth sensitivity. We at Akeela Dental Care provide highly affordable dental care services in Chennai, India, and create awareness amongst our patients in separating the myths and actual facts about dental health.

Myth2: Tooth cleaning leads to its mobility

Fact: The actual shaking and low stiffness of tooth is due to the periodontitis a gum disease that unstrengthens the gum and decimates its supporting bone system. Hence it is the gum disease which causes teeth mobility and a proper teeth cleaning at regular interval will actually save you from it.
We provide better tooth cleaning service in Chennai, India at Akeela Dental care that helps our patients to safeguard their dental system from gum disease at the right time.

Get in touch with us today +91 98400 42039

Myth3: You should not brush your teeth if it bleeds

Fact: Our gum bleeds when it gets inflamed, which is caused due to the presence of plaque around it that damages the teeth. It is known as gingivitis and it can only be sorted out by proper brushing done after the dental scaling treatment, avoiding this treatment and its post healthcare process could actually ruin your teeth’s health. Get treated by the best dental experts in Chennai, India to avoid gingivitis and strengthen your oral health.

Myth4: Teeth cleaning leads to removal of enamel

Fact: Cleaning your teeth removes unwanted and toxic hard calculus from your teeth and it does not affect your enamel either way. It is completely unnecessary to worry about your enamel’s health and there is no connectivity between treating a hard calculus is your teeth and enamel.
We at Akeela dental care uses ultrasonic scaling method to remove the hard calculus from your teeth and it involves a mechanical vibration that happens in the entire removal process and followed as a part of our dental care services in Chennai, India.

Myth 5: Removing teeth from upper jaw cause damage to eyesight

Fact: It is totally an impractical statement that correlates the vision and dental system of human, nerves related to human visions is optic nerve, oclomotor nerve, abducent nerve and trochlear nerve whereas our dental system holds nerves like superior alveolar nerve, great palatine nerve, nasopalatine nerve and infra-orbital nerve. Hence it is not necessary to correlate and think about your eye sight and removal of teeth from your upper jaw. We at Akeela dental care offer with the best dental care services in Chennai, India, that includes treating patients with providing proper and accurate information about their oral health and the way to carry forward a measured maintenance.

Get in touch with us today +91 98400 42039

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