Top 10 Foods That Will Damages Your Teeth


Approaching a dental care centre regularly, availing fillings, professional whitening and dental cleaning is not just enough to safeguard your teeth, instead you need to take the right food at the right quantity to avoid dental damage and this practice is mandatory than regular brushing. We at Akeela Dental Care provide best dental care services in Chennai, India that not just focused on introducing new technologies in patient’s treatment instead it also involves guiding them in the right track to maintain their tooth properly being a self-dependent. In this blog, we will list down the top 10 harmful food items that need to be taken with limits to maintain a healthy tooth.

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Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits contain many healthy nutrients and vitamin C with it, but at the same time, they are highly hazardous to the dental system. Overconsumption of citrus fruit leads to tooth erosion and damages the enamel over time. Similar to citrus fruit excessive consumption of grape and lemon fruits or juice may also lead to enamel erosin.



Sticky Candy

The higher the chewing rate of candy, the more you are prone to teeth damage, the increase in chewability rate eventually leads to the sugary content gets stick within the enamels, and the inner bacteria will swiftly transform the sugar into acid that leads to tooth erosion. We are the best player in providing dental implantation services in Chennai, India that primarily focuses on providing personalized dental care to patients.

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Hard Candy

Even though hard candies are non-sticky, still they make a decent contribution to our teeth’s damage, hard candies stay for a longer time in our mouth paving easy route path for inner bacterias to create harmful acids. These acids would then cause severe damage and weaken our dental system adding up to the flame most of the hard candies are coming out with citric acid mixture.




Pickles are the eternal acidic form of substance that certainly damages our tooth, the very acidic nature of pickles provides the salty taste but also damages the tooth enamel. According to a survey done in England, most of the teenagers got toothache due to excessive consumption of pickles that led them to 85% of erosion. We are a team of proficient dental experts based in Chennai, who have prolonged working experience in treating several dental cases in our journey.


It is a well-known fact that excessive soda consumption would certainly damage our teeth, but the hard part is they are carbonated drinks, and hence they are even more dangerous than sugary substances. Even the diet coke and diet Pepsi contains carbonated substances like citric and phosphoric acid, which causes great enamel damages.


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Both the red and white wines are found to be an equal contributing factor in terms of decaying our tooth the chromogens present in red wine found to be the tooth discolouring substance, and tannins present in it makes our tooth sticky by increasing stains in the mouth. On the other hand, white wine also contains erosive acid that allows creating stains more densely. We are the leading Dental Care Service Provider In Chennai, India, who implement latest technology to treat our valuable patients properly.


Crackers are refined carbohydrates that come out either in sugary or salty formats, these carbohydrate forms cavity with the assistance of inner bacteria in our mouth on continuous chewing and stocking. The moderate consumption of this cracker food won’t harm your tooth, but still, you need to fix with your margin.




Have you ever noticed the stains around your coffee mug? that’s what you get within your teeth enamel as well, in fact, the stains caused by coffee consumption is a bit higher than that of tobacco, even a study states that coffee stains would make your tooth more discoloured even after a proper bleach treatment when compared to the tooth that has consumed alcohol. We cater the Best Dental Care Services In Chennai, India, that encomposes all the services related to patient’s dental health enhancement.


Tea is an equally efficient one when compared to coffee, and can create equal damage to that of coffee. Similar to red wine, tea also contains tannin which causes high staining, but at the same time green tea, white tea, and herbal tea were found to have zero tannins in it and hence doesn’t cause any tooth erosion. But at the same time, herbal tea creates tooth damage in other ways for our tooth.



Consuming the above mentioned food items cannot be completely restricted, but the limited usage of these food items can keep your tooth structure highly protected and in a safety mode.

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