Top 10 Reasons For Yellow Tooth


Having a yellow tooth is certainly not a good sign of healthiness, and one needs to take complete care of their dental system and avoid yellow tooth to get an ever glittering smile. Here in this blog, we will be looking at the top 10 reasons behind yellowish tooth occurrence. Akeeladentalcare is patient-friendly dentistry that helps you to get rid of the yellow tooth in no time and provides shine in your dental system. We at Akeela dental care are the best implant dentist in Chennai, who provide 360° degree dental treatment.

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Top 10 Reasons For Yellow Tooth

Due to Hereditary

If anyone of your parents has a yellow tooth then, there are high chances of getting yellow teeth for you too. Some of the alternate colours seen in our dental system apart from white are reddish-brown, reddish-yellow, grey, and reddish grey and the intensity in these diversified colour range varies from light to dark according to the colour spectrum present inside your dental system.

Dentin Presence

Our teeth also become yellow when its enamel weakens and the dentin inside it gets projected. Dentin prevails in a deep yellow to brownish material inside our teeth under the enamel, and when the enamel loses its rigidity the dentin gets exposed. So, dentin exposure upfront can also be another reason behind the projection of your teeth’s yellowish colour. Our dental implant Services in Chennai are the best in the industry that implements necessary advanced technologies in treating the patients.


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Similar to our bones, our teeth also get older and weaker with age and hence it gets turned into yellowish colour as a resemblance of ageing. Our teeth get exposed to lots of food varieties and some of the acidic forms in the food wear downs the enamel in our dental system. The weakening of enamel also results in the greyish colour of teeth that determines our ageing.


Smoking not just causes cancer, it also turns your beautiful colour of teeth into an ugly yellow one with the presence of nicotine in it. The nicotine present in the cigarettes creates a brownish-yellow tooth and also makes non-removable surface stains. Smokers are kindly advised to quit this habit as soon as possible since it not just destroys your health, but it also decimates your physical appearence. Dental Implant Cost in Chennai are highly affordable one from Akeela dental care that aims to treat patients from all demographies.


What? How can foods be the reason behind the yellowish teeth? Yes, they are, even if you are a fitness freak and very choosy with your regular diet still you are very much prone to the yellow tooth because of the stains that get formed due to the food consumption. Even a healthy organic diet like fruit or vegetable salad would certainly leave behind stains in your dental system that causes yellow teeth.

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Ranging from soft to hard all the drinks items are sheer responsible for your yellowish teeth, are you a frequent consumer of alcohol, tea, coffee, or any other soft drinks then you need to stay alert now. Because all these drinking items can cause severe damage to your dental system and convert it into a completely yellowish colour. We provide the top dental implant services in Chennai, that permanently fixes the patients dental health issues.


Even consuming certain medicines would result in minor health issues and the consumption of Tetracycline Antibiotics will make a permanent stain in your tooth set, if your mother consumes this particular antibiotic in her second half of pregnancy or as a child if you have consumed it before the age of eight then you are assured with stains and yellow teeth.



Fluorosis is good for dental health, but their excessive consumption would eventually result in the occurrence of yellow stains in your teeth. Fluorosis exists in several formats that we consume like fluoridated water, toothpaste and even some tablets. Excessive consumption of these would lead to yellowish teeth. Avail our exceptional dental implant services in Chennai and attain maximum benefits from renowned team of dentists.

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Are you the one who grinds your tooth when you are asleep, then you must be cautious that your tooth enamel is getting decimated by your act as it weakens and forms a yellowish colour in the dental system, this act is also called as bruxism and it happens mainly due to stress or when you go asleep.


Unexpected accidents might even cause yellowish tooth by cracking or entirely damaging the internal dental system, which may even lead to bleeding. We are an experienced team of implant dentists in Chennai who have trested several hundreds of patients who suffered from different dental issues and act as the reason behind their healthy smile.

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