Top 5 Myths And Facts About Dental Implantation


Earlier dental care experts used to treat faulty or weak teeth based on three different methods root canaling, denture and tooth bridging. But all these activities used to be a failure model quiet often that worried both the dentists and the patients. Then came the solution in the name of “dental implantation” which converted into a highly successful treating method as compared to its predecessors. Because of most of the times, root canal treatment gets failed, dentures used to fall, and bridging demands cut-down of its adjacent teeth. Hence dental implantation became the perfect alternative solution, but still, several myths are surrounding it that creates a big hesitation amongst the patients. Here we will be looking out top 5 myths and its facts about dental implantation that everyone must get to know. Akeela Dental Care is the best implant dentist in Chennai, who deploys updated technology and implements successful and proven dental implantation practices that brings in eternal satisfaction amongst the patients.

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What is Dental Implantation?

Dental Implantation is the process of fixing a metal post or screw as an implant into the jawbones besides our tooth gums to make the process of fixing dental cap an easy one.

Myth1: Dental Implantation is highly painful

Fact: No, dental implantation is not a painful process at any cost and the concerned patient will be given local anaesthesia to feel zero pain. Being a reputed implant service provider in Chennai, we at Akeela dental care offers several options of anaesthesia while treating a patient during the implantation process.

Myth2: Dental Implantation is a total risk

Fact: There is no risk involved in the dental implantation process and practising of dental implantation happening for the last 50 years, even it’s the success rate is very high when compared to root canaling, bridging, and denture. All you need to do is to approach experienced dental experts in Chennai to carry out the implantation process successfully.

Get in touch with us today +91 98400 42039

Myth3: Dental Implants are Costly

Fact: We need to get down into a deep-rooted analysis to unleash the hidden truth in this myth when compared with its alternative options dental implantation is cheap at the first time and also found to be a one time investment, parallel root canal or bridging of teeth will last long only for six years.

Myth4: Dental Implantation is Time Consuming

Fact: A blunt statement considered to be the biggest myth of all times in case of dental implantation, dental implantation process takes one day to six months (maximum) to get completed. If in case, your case is critical and your dental system is highly damaged then it might take a maximum of six months. Avail the best implant dentist in Chennai, from Akeela Dental care to bring back your lost smile swiftly.

Myth5: Dental Implantation requires special care

Fact: Another huge myth that surrounds people for quiet often and avoids them from taking dental implantation. Dental implantation requires normal care like brushing, flossing and timely dental checkups to maintain its position in the dental system. Avail our speculative implant services in Chennai to safeguard your dental system and pave the way for its longlasting presence.

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