Exposing 10 Widespread Myths about Root Canal

 In Dental Tourism
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The term root canal is potent enough to bring shivers down the spine of everyone. While it is a normal dental operation, the misconceptions associated with it have frightened the patients. Most people have been resisting their root canal operation, believing that these misconceptions are real. So, what are the theories we’re talking about? Is there any kind of truth behind all these misconceptions?

We at Akeela dental care, the best implant dentist in Chennai with an experienced doctor team providing high-quality services.

You may have learned a lot of these before. First, let figure out how we dispel the 10 common myths regarding the current root canal.

RCT is Painful

RCT is not a very painful treatment. The dentist will be administered local anesthesia to numb the whole region. It means you’re not going to feel any pain or discomfort in your tooth. Also, they will administer pain relief and antibiotics to prevent any additional pain.

RCT is Expensive

RCT is not an impractically costly dental procedure. But the cost can vary depending on the placement of the tooth and the price of the crown. Furthermore, the net cost will also rely on the insurance policy.

RCT is Risky

In this myth, there is no reality. RCT, on the other hand, is the safest oral procedure to preserve the natural tooth. In addition, slowing your RCT will make you vulnerable to a few more health risks.

RCT is not necessary

A lot of people feel there will be no need for RCT because it hurts. The lack of discomfort, though, has little to do with the need for RCT. It needs to be performed with or without discomfort, depending on the need for the treatment.

Tooth roots are removed in RCT

Are you buying this? RCT is a dental technique that cleans and seals the damaged pulp of the tooth with a crown. It is intended to restore the roots of the tooth and also not to extract it.

RCT is a Time-Consuming Procedure

There is no truth to this myth. Probably, the RCT should only be completed in one day. After all, the necessity for a second visit depends on the seriousness of the illness and the rehabilitation of the patient.

Pregnant ladies cannot go for RCT

Pregnant ladies must avoid receiving x-rays, but the RCT involves an x-ray of the mouth. Such rays do not penetrate the womb, making them entirely harmless for pregnant women. In addition, lead shielding is also used during x-rays as pregnant women come for care.

Crowns cause Root Canal Issue

It is a false belief that the crowns induce root canal problems. It will happen irrespective of any tooth covering.

Tooth Extraction is better than RCT

Tooth extraction is the final resort for a missing tooth to be removed. Experts suggest that having a natural tooth is vital to the correct chewing and eating activities. RCT saves the bases of the teeth and also protects the surrounding healthy teeth.

RCT causes Illnesses

Medical evidence suggests that RCT has rescued people from serious infections of the brain and heart. Finally, there is no value in this argument.

There have been ten common misconceptions about the root canal debunked for you. You know, RCT teeth are a safe treatment that not only saves the tooth but also prevents other health problems. Akeela dental has such a highly trained and seasoned team of dentists. Talk with us today by making a booking for your appointment and getting answers to all your RCT queries and concerns.

Schedule a consultation with Akeela Dental Care, email us today at akeeladental@gmail.com.

Get in touch with us today +91 98400 42039

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